Disappearing holidays


 ageling (1646)    27 Apr 2021 19:59:47

Today I booked a holiday because my wife was in hospital and I needed the time to see to her needs. But just now I see that the booking vanished and I lost two games. I'm sure this happened once before. I am not pleased.

 ketchuplover (1355)    28 Apr 2021 00:47:10

You haven't used your 30 days? All the best to you two.

 Yotta (1147)    28 Apr 2021 04:09:30

Ageling, did you by any chance make a move in one of your games while on holiday?

The system automatically changes the holiday status as soon as a player makes a move.

 ageling (1646)    28 Apr 2021 07:24:04

I don't think I did. I was away all day.

 Yotta (1147)    29 Apr 2021 04:06:39

I then apologise, Ageling... that should not have happened. We will investigate to see if we can discover what happened.

 geechan (2122)    12 May 2021 00:25:34

To Yotta Today, I came back from vacation, I did not make any move during the vacation. Before I click the "Back from vacation" button, everything is fine. All my games are listed there waiting for me to make the move. As soon as I click the "Back from vacation button" and go to My game, I have just loss three games. The system will not allow me to enter the moves immediately. Something is wrong with the program. I agree with ageling on this. I loss three games because of vacation. Something is wrong. I should have made all the moves in all the games before I click the "Back from vacation" button. Then I would have saved that three games I loss.

 Yotta (1147)    12 May 2021 03:52:47

I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. We will try to get the issue resolved asap.

 Yotta (1147)    12 May 2021 05:07:08

We have temporarily disabled the ability to claim timeouts until we can determine exactly what is causing the problem.

 Yotta (1147)    12 May 2021 18:38:38

Ok, so I believe we have isolated and fixed the bug that caused the problem where timeouts could be claimed after a player is back from holiday.

Ageling and Geechan... once again... we cannot apologize enough for the inconvenience caused.

Geechan... a big thanks for your thorough description... it help a LOT for us to track down the issue.

If anyone still experience any problems with timeouts... please let us know as soon as possible so that we can investigate.

 Yotta (1147)    12 May 2021 18:49:23

Just to summarize for everyone how the vacation days work...

Each player receives 30 vacation days starting on the 1st of January at the beginning of each year. These leave days cannot be carried over to the next year.

If a player is on vacation, the vacation mode is turned off when:

* Player accepts an invite
* Player creates an invite
* Player accepts a draw
* Player claims a draw
* Player claims a timeout
* Player makes a valid move
* Player resigns

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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