Good Bye


 IDontCastle (855)    10 Dec 2022 00:41:45

I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused during my time on this site.
Simply stated, I cannot play against chess engines.
Even though I acknowledged to this player that he was of Master class strength, and asked him for his FIDE/USCF membership number - which he ignored - after such, I informed him that I would appreciate it if he would turn off his chess engine. He has not responded and continues to use the engine.
Player ID #9728 is most probably using an engine.
They are a waste of my time and those whom use them are not worthy of my attention.
THAT is why most chess sites charge nominal fees to use their site; to deter this type of behavior.

 Yotta (1169)    10 Dec 2022 04:30:15

I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Do you think using a voting system could work to curb cheating? So if a user gets a certain amount of votes against them their profile gets blocked from entering tournaments etc?

 WhitemoonG (821)    10 Dec 2022 21:10:51

I wouldn’t know a chess engine if it bit me nor the first thing about what to do with one, and especially wouldn’t know how to tell if someone’s using one. So if there comes a vote system I hope it wouldn’t blitz me, just let your good moves do it.

 Yotta (1169)    11 Dec 2022 05:21:01

Hahaha… well said WhitemoonG.

That is one the reasons why we haven’t implemented any anti-cheat engine yet… how can you truly prove a person cheated with 100% accuracy?

But we understand it is a problem and we are open to suggestions.

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